Saturday, October 01, 2005


My recent experience at NL has can only be described as unholy; I’ve been losing $20 an hour for two months. Fortunately, my Pot Limit Omaha experiment (what a game; wow) has been going OK and has served to preserve my sanity but I just can’t figure how to snap the NL slump. It’s as if everyone has signed an agreement to raise me on the turn with the nuts anytime they are in my pot. And of course after the 3rd or 4th time in a row I talk myself into thinking “surely some of these must be bluffs.” So I look them up and they’re not. But I knew that; I'm just getting frustrated.

I just dropped $500 at Harrah’s and I honestly believe I played perfect. I’m not the type of guy that’s dropping a bunch of brilliant $300 bluffs, but I’ve got a solid style with what I think are very few leaks. It’s just not working. I vowed long ago to not tell bad beat stories but the stuff that’s happening just doesn’t add up. At least it’s not happening online so I’m not tempted to start expounding conspiracy theories with the rest of the nuts out there.