Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Meadows, Summer 2009 - Day 2

Day 2, Friday. $2-5 NLHE at the Bellagio.

Did you miss day 1? Get caught up here.

Day 2 may have been one of the most successful days I have ever had playing poker. Not my largest win but perhaps the best/longest I've ever played really well. I sat at a Bellagio $2-5 game from noon until three in the morning and only had two losing HOURS. I didn't decide to leave and play $5-10, I didn't start playing crazy, just tried really hard to play RIGHT and I think I did. There were several hands where I knew exactly what the other player had and either bluffed or extracted chips just like I should. It was nice, in the middle of what has been a rough year for poker.