Friday, November 27, 2009

The Cold War is Back

I think this is my favorite poker clip of all time. I love how the crazy Russian announces "I win" and we're forced to wonder if he thinks that translates to "sigh ... nice hand." The goofy Russian keeps the goofy smile on his face throughout the hand ... I think he's seen this episode before!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Entrepreneurship and Poker

My friend Byron passed along this interesting article about the similarities between entrepreneurship and poker. I think it also speaks to the luck (both good and bad) that we all experience throughout life, reminding me of a great book that I read years ago that I still think about: Fooled by Randomness. While technically a book about finance, many of the author's philosophies spill over into real life. Check it out if you have time, you'll enjoy it.

Monday, November 02, 2009

The Meadows, Summer 2009 - Days "the rest"

You what is pretty cool? Not getting the updates of the Vegas summer trip done before the Halloween trip takes place. So stay tuned for the Halloween debauchery but in the meantime, get caught up here and here.