Friday, January 01, 2010

2009 Recap

2009 was a very humbling year. I've spent New Year's day trying to get my arms around what happened. At the beginning of the year, I was coming off my best year (2008), best quarter (QIV08), and second best month (Dec, 2008) of all time. I was feeling super-human and the whole "why am I going to work everyday" thing kept creeping into my brain. I would never quit my job to play poker but it's hard not to daydream about it when you're running good.

So I took a ridiculous amount of money to Biloxi in January and lost all of it. Welcome to 2009. I was playing in stakes I had never played before and thought it through ahead of time as a calculated risk. I was taking a shot and I had given myself permission to do, but in the process chalked up my worst month ever. To be honest, I shrugged it off. Then I repeated the "worst month ever" feat in my local $2-5 PLO game, which included 7 consecutive losing sessions of a week's salary or more. So now I'm in deep for the year.