Sunday, January 08, 2006

I can dodge bullets?

What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?
No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.

Dodged a couple bullets last night at Harrah's. I'm playing really well, especially in the last month or so. But sometimes you need a few things to do your way; last night they did.

$2-5 NL. Loose table with four frat boys doing Jager bombs. Yeah; I know.

Only one guy, Kerry, knows what he's doing. He's extremely solid.

Our hero has AA in MP2. MP1 straddles for $10. I debate the situation but just call, hoping someone will help me out with a nice big raise. No luck.

8 players see the flop. That's trouble, and it gets worse. Flop: 987, two spades. Yuck.

Kerry (BB) bets $40 into a $80 pot and loose guy 1 (das straddler) calls. I decide to find out where I'm at and make it $120.

Frat guy 1 calls the $120 (well...OK) and frat guy 2 calls (what the...). It gets around to Kerry and he is not happy. He thinks for a while and shows the guy next to him the "monster" that he's laying down. I know that he just laid down the best hand.

Turn (987) 2. I'm hoping that both my new frat buddies are on a draw and go all in for $400. Frat guy 1 calls immediately (gulp) and frat guy 2 thinks for a while, tells me he flopped two pair. I tell him to get his money in the middle. He folds.

Frat guy 1 turns over QQ, I turn over AA, frat guy 2 yells "Fuck!", and Kerry loses it. He folded the bucket end of the straight.

River: K.
Pot: $1,300.
Ship it.


April said...

How annoying it must have been to play with a bunch of drunk idiots. That's one of my biggest pet peeves when I play. People start to get drunk, then they're asking, "Who raised?" or "Who called?" or "Who's still in?"

Although I suppose it worked to your advantage. Good job!

Chuck said...

It's not as much of an issue at NL; usually guys that are drinking are more than welcome :)

Mike Major said...

Put me in a room with a poker table, a dealer, some chips, and 9 drunk idiots with endless bankrolls.... Leave me there for 2 months and in 60 days I'll be a millionaire. Questionable mid-position with AA just calling the straddle, but a table like that... who would guess no help?

Poor Karey... nice guy.